Asked by: Ekhiotz Astaburuaga
Asked in category: healthy living, womens health
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What is a Class 3 hemorhage?

Class III hemorhage is characterized by a loss of between 30-40% of the circulating blood volume. Patients experience a drop in blood pressure, a rapid heart beat, decreased peripheral hypoperfusion (shock), and deterioration of their mental state.

What are the 3 types of hemorhage, based on this?

There are three types of hemorhage that can occur in the same patient. They are subdural hemorhage, intraparenchymal hemorhage (from contusion), or subarachnoid. Subdural hemorhages are identified by the crescent-shaped shape that compresses and overlies the brain.

What are the causes of hemorhage? The following are possible causes of hemorhaging, either sudden or severe:

  • Traumatic injury can result from car accidents, bullet wounds or falls.
  • Embolis (Objects that get stuck in blood vessels, reducing blood flow)
  • broken bones.
  • An aneurysm is a bulge that forms in blood vessels.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What are the stages of hemorhage?"

These stages can be described in ATLS by the following:

  • Class 1. Blood loss: 750 mL, or 15% of blood volume Heart rate: 100/min
  • Class 2. Blood loss: 750-1500mL or 15-30% of blood volume. Heart rate: 100 to 120 beats per minute
  • Class 3. Blood loss: 1500-2500 mL, or 30-40% of blood volume.
  • Class 4. Blood loss: >2000mL, or >40% of blood volume

What is hemorhage?

Primary PPH occurs when more than 500ml blood is lost within 24 hours of birth. This is a common condition that affects 5 out 100 women. Severe hemorhage (more that 2 litres or four pints) occurs less frequently, and affects only 6 out 1000 women.