Asked by: Ainitze Tenorio
Asked in category: science, biological sciences
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is an example behavioral adaptation?

Behavioral adaptation: Animals take actions to survive in their environment. Examples include migration, hibernation and instincts. Example Birds migrate south during winter to find food. Structural adaptation: A trait in a plant's or animal's body that allows it to survive in its environment.

What is a behavioral adaptation?

Biological adaptations are what organisms do to survive. For example, migration and bird calls are behavioral adaptions. Adaptations result from evolution. Evolution is the process of a species changing over a long period of time. Adaptations are usually caused by mutations or accidental changes in a gene.

Camouflage is also a behavioral adaptation. Physical adaptations include camouflage, mimicry and animal body parts and covers. An adaptation describes how an animal behaves, as well as a behavioral adapt. Behaviors Animals are born with instincts. Examples of instincts include a lion attacking a zebra or a bird building its nest.

What is an example of a physical adaptation?

A physical adaptation is a structural modification to an area of the body. Examples : Webbed feet. Sharp Claws

What kind of behavioral adaptation does sleeping represent?

Answer: It's a behavioral adaptation. It's a behavior an animal is used to performing.