Asked by: Polonio Gautier
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is a Ventriculostomy?

Ventriculostomy (or ventric) is a device to drain excess cerebrospinal liquid (CSF). After brain surgery, head injuries, or ruptured aneurysms, excess CSF and blood may build up in the head. The brain can be put under extreme pressure. The fluid presses against the brain tissue and slows down blood flow.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How does an EVD function?"

The EDV tube connects with a collection system which allows the CSF to drain into a bag suspended on a pole. To maintain the correct brain fluid pressure, the surgeon will adjust the pressure levels. The EVD line is adjusted by the nurse to match your child's ears.

Also, learn how to level Ventriculostomy. EVD / ICP zeroing

  1. An ICP cable must be used to connect the Phillips monitor to the ICP transducer.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  3. The 3 way tap on EVD system should be turned off (leave the system open for the transducer).

Many people also wonder what a Ventriculostomy Drain is.

An external ventricular drainage (EVD), also called a ventriculostomy, extraventricular drain or ventriculostomy, is a neurosurgical device that is used to treat hydrocephalus. It is used to relieve intracranial pressure and reduce cerebral fluid (CSF) obstructing normal cerebrospinal fluid flow.

What length of time can an EVD last?

It varies from one child to the next, depending on why EDVD was necessary in the first instance. It is a temporary way to drain CSF. is seldom used for longer than 14 days. Your child must remain in hospital while the drainage system has been removed.