Asked by: Rebbecca Dieudonné
Asked in category: pets, pet adoptions, pets, pet adoptions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How do I surrender my cat?

To schedule an appointment to surrender your pet, call 952-HELPPET (952-435-77738).
Giving up a pet
  1. A driver's licence or other government-issued ID.
  2. surrender form for your pet.
  3. The veterinary records of your pet.
  4. Below is the surrender cost for your pet.

People often ask what to do with a cat they don't want?

If you are unable to keep your cat and can't find a home for him, then you need to realize that you have no choice but to surrender him to shelter. People with good intentions often place friendly cats outside, hoping they will take care of themselves.

What happens if you have to surrender your pet? This means that the owner is unable to keep the pet due to some reason. The owner must surrender the pet to shelter. This means that the owner of the animal will give up all rights to it to the Humane Society of Macomb. This means that we take on the new role of the animal's owner.

People also ask how to surrender a cat to the SPCA.

If your pet was adopted from the SPCA of Texas please call our Customer Care Center at (214-742-7722) to arrange a time to return your pet.

Can I surrender my cat to a shelter or rescue organization?

Although the cost of surrendering a cat can vary from one organization to another, it is usually between $30 and $100. You may consider rehoming your cat through an unpaid service if you're considering giving your cat away to a rescue or shelter. This may help to reduce stress for your pet.