Asked by: Moise Hudaiberdin
Asked in category: automotive, auto parts, automotive, auto parts
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How much does a wheel bearing part cost?

On average, you will pay $400 for front wheel bearing replacement. The labor cost will range from $140-$180. parts can be as low as $200, or as high as as 400. The cost of parts and fees charged by individual mechanics can cause a difference in the prices.

You might also ask, "Can you drive a car that has a bad bearing?"

A: No. A: No. A damaged wheel bearing places a lot of strain on the hub, CV joint, and transmission.

Why are wheel bearings so costly? Because it's an integrated bearing/hub, it is more expensive. It has a better quality seal and grease that will last longer. The part could cost anywhere from $40 to $200. For average passenger cars, it is usually between $50 and 100. The labor costs vary greatly depending on the model.

Similar questions are asked: Can you replace one wheel bearing?

It doesn't matter if there is no play or noise in the wheel bearing. Both have approximately the same mileage so they wear almost in the same way. Bearings cannot be replaced for preventative maintenance. They are a repair item. As needed, fix them.

What is the cost of a wheel bearing hub assembly

A wheel hub (assembly, or bearings) costs as low as $60 to as high as $100. The price will depend on the make and model of your vehicle. The cost of replacing a wheel hub can vary depending on the make and model of your car, as well as the seller you purchase them from.