Asked by: Zayra De Antonio
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Why is chlorine used in water treatment?

Chlor is a halogen and is highly effective disinfectant. It is added to water supply supplies to kill pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.

What form of chlorine is used for water treatment?

Three types of chloride most commonly used in water treatment include chlorinegas, sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite.

What is the purpose of chlorine? The most common use of chlorine is as an antiseptic. It is used to make swimming pools safe and clean. Many industrial processes use large amounts of chlorine, including the production of paper products and plastics.

How does chlorine work in water treatment?

By breaking chemical bonds within their molecules, chlorine kills pathogens like bacteria and viruses. These disinfectants are chlorine compounds that can exchange atoms and with other compounds such as enzymes found in bacteria or other cells. This is what results in disinfection.

How can you measure chlorine in water

The dpd indicator test (diethylparaphenylene diamine), which uses a comparator, is the fastest and easiest method to test for chlorine residual. One tablet of dpd is mixed with water to make it red.