Asked by: Violante Tassel
Asked in category: medical health, diabetes
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Is intermittent fasting possible to treat hypoglycemia

According to New Zealand's study, intermittent fasting caused hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetic patients who were being treated with hypoglycemic medication. Fasting was associated with weight loss, improved quality of life, and lower HbA1c.

Is fasting hypoglycemic?

Hypoglycemia from fasting In healthy individuals, prolonged fasting (even for several days) or prolonged strenuous exercise (even after fasting) is unlikely to cause hypoglycemia. An insulinoma is a rare form of fasting hypoglycemia. It is a pancreatic-producing tumor that produces insulin.

How can you avoid low blood sugar during fasting? Prevention

  1. Avoid low carbohydrate diets as they can lead to low blood glucose.
  2. Before you go to bed, eat a snack.
  3. High-fiber snacks are better than low-fiber foods, because fiber-rich food slows down glucose asorption and can prevent low blood sugar in morning.
  4. Rather than eating three large meals a day, eat smaller and more frequent meals.

People also ask: How does intermittent fasting affect blood glucose?

Type 2 diabetes: Intermittent fasting could increase risk Research suggests that intermittent fasting could raise insulin levels and damage pancreatic cells. It may also increase abdominal fat. People who are looking to lose weight quickly have been increasingly embracing the intermittent fasting diet.

What happens if your blood sugar drops while you sleep?

You may experience nightmares, cries during sleep, and other sleep disorders if your blood sugar drops during the night. Low blood sugar can cause problems such as lack of coordination, sweating , clammy skin and chills. If left untreated, severe low blood sugar may prove fatal.