Asked by: Aniana Bartolo
Asked in category: business and finance, real estate industry
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is a code official?

The career definition for a Building Code Official. Inspectors and building code officials inspect existing and new structures to ensure that they comply with all applicable codes and contractual specifications. Cement and steel structures are two examples of areas of specialization.

How do you get a job as a code official?

An associate's degree or GED is required for code enforcement officers. Some cities require a bachelor's, master's, or associate's degree. To gain knowledge in this field, you might consider taking a basic code enforcement training course.

You may also wonder, "What do code inspectors look out for?" The inspector will inspect the house inside and outside from top to bottom. The inspector will inspect the electrical, plumbing, foundation and HVAC systems, as well as fixtures, and many other systems. There are exceptions for what is hidden or inaccessible such as flooring under carpeting and any items within walls.

What does a code enforcement officer do?

A Code Enforcement Officer is an officer, inspector, or investigator who has been sworn, but not sworn, by a municipality or county. Their primary duties include the detection, investigation, enforcement, and prevention of violations of laws regulating public nuisance.

Who enforces the city codes?

A zoning enforcement officer is an official charged with enforcing zoning codes within a local jurisdiction. This could be a county or municipality.