Asked by: Tarsem Benhari
Asked in category: medical health, dental health
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is a Class 3 dental restoration?

Class III Caries that affect the proximal surfaces and laterals of centrals, cuspids, or laterals. Class III Caries affecting the proximal and incisal edges anterior teeth. Class V Caries that affect 1/3 of the facial or lingual surfaces of posterior or anterior teeth.

What is a Class 3 cavity?

Cavities found on the proximal surfaces premolars/molars. Class 3. Cavities on the proximal surfaces canines and incisors that do not involve the incisal angles. Class III. Cavities on the proximal surfaces canines or incisors that also involve one or both of their incisal angles.

The next question is: What is a dental protective restoration? Protective restoration D2940 Direct placement of a material or substance to protect the tooth and/or tissues. This procedure can be used to alleviate pain, promote healing, or prevent further damage.

What is a Class 1 restoration for dental work?

1. Class I: Cavity in pits or fissures on the occlusal surfaces of molars and premolars; facial and lingual surfaces of molars; lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors (Class I corresponds to surfaces of a posterior tooth you can clinically seeaocclusal/lingual/buccal surfaces.

What are resin composite 3s posterior?

Resin for Three Surfaces, Posterior, (Permanent Teeth). - Description of the Dental Procedure Code. This dental procedure code describes how a composite resin filling can be used to fix damage to three surfaces of a permanent, posterior tooth.