Asked by: Rabha Christophers
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What color does magnesium Nitrate burn?

Common elements
Symbol Name Color
Mg Magnesium (none), except for Mg metal intensely white burning
Mn (II). Manganese (II) Yellowish yellow
Mo Molybdenum Yellowish yellow
Na Sodium Intense yellow; visible through cobalt Blue glass

So, which color does nitrate burn?

Flame colors

Color Chemical
Bright Pink Lithium chloride
Red Strontium nitrate or strontium chloride
Orange Calcium chloride
Yellow-green Barium chloride

What color does strontium burn? Flame Testing

Element Color
Calcium orange-red
Strontium Red
Barium pale green
Copper Blue-green (often with white flashes).

So, which color does each element take?

Scientists can identify each element by the color of their flames because they have a specific line emission spectrum. Copper produces a blue flame; lithium and strontium produce an orange flame; calcium and sodium create an orange flame; sodium creates a yellow flame and barium emits a green flame.

Which metals can burn which color?

Table of Flame Test Colors

Flame Color Metal Ion
White Magnesium, titanium, nickel, hafnium, chromium, cobalt, beryllium, aluminum
Crimson (deepest red) Strontium, yttrium, radium, cadmium
Red Rubidium, zirconium, mercury
Magenta or pink-red Lithium