Asked by: Harriett Tissen
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the difference between adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder?

Adjustment disorder sufferers only feel their symptoms during times of stress and change. Adjustment disorder sufferers will experience a significant reduction in anxiety as they adjust to life changes. GAD sufferers are more likely to experience anxiety throughout their lives.

People also ask if adjustment disorder is an anxiety disorder.

Mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct is an adjustment disorder. This type of adjustment disorder can cause depression, anxiety, and behavioral issues.

What is adjustment disorder? ICD-10 classification places adjustment disorder under the category of severe stress and adjustment disorders (F43).

Is adjustment disorder a serious mental condition?

If adjustment disorders are not treated, they can lead to other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.

What is the best treatment of adjustment disorder?

Treatment for adjustment disorder aims to alleviate symptoms and help individuals achieve functioning levels comparable to before the stressful event. Individual psychotherapy, family therapy and behavior therapy are all options.