Asked by: Faride Cnaimhin
Asked in category: healthy living, childrens health
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

What IQ should a 14 year old?

The average IQ score of a 14-year-old is 85 to 100. This score can vary from country to country. The average IQ in developed countries is higher because of better living conditions.

What is the average intelligence of a 14-year-old?

A 14-year old's average IQ is 100. However, most tests consider someone with an IQ of 90 to 109 to have average intelligence. Most IQ tests now compare individuals to others in their age groups and assign 100 as the average score.

Is a 14-year-old with an IQ of 150 a good score? A IQ of 150 is three standard deviations higher than the mean, and it is well within the realm of genius. IQ is not affected by age. Standardized testing uses age as a determining factor for scoring. In standardized testing, a 14-year-old is compared with other 14-year old children.

You may then ask: Is a 14-year-old with an IQ of 120 good?

An IQ of 120 is the same as any other age, so a 14-year old's IQ will be 120. A 100 IQ is considered average. 120 is significantly higher.

Is a 14-year-old's IQ good enough to have 125?

A decent IQ is 125 for any age. Your IQ has very little to do with how old you are. A 7-year-old can have a or 125 IQ. It doesn't really matter when you test your intelligence.