Asked by: Naresh Pommer
Asked in category: business and finance, real estate industry
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What factors should you consider when estimating the cost of an independent estimate?

This should include a breakdown of all costs required by a contractor for the performance work statement to be completed, including the cost breakdown of direct material and supplies, labor hours and rates, subcontracting, consultant services, travel, indirect rates, and a fee.

You should also know how to prepare an independent cost estimate for the government.

Tips to prepare the IGCE Proper data collection and estimation methodology are essential. Document data sources, assumptions and constraints, methodology, as well as inputs from subject matter experts (SME).

Also, find out what an independent government estimate (IGE) is. 1.1. Introduction. 1.1. 1. Independent Government Estimates (IGE) are cost estimates that are based solely on the specifications. They do not take into account any marketing efforts or inputs from potential contractors.

It is also important to understand what an independent estimate is.

Independent Estimates. The independent estimates is one of the tools that are used to conduct procurement. This is a process used to manage projects that involves the use of a third party to gather and analyze data. This information can then be used to predict the cost of the project and the schedule.

What is the role of the COR when it comes to acquisition planning?

The primary government official responsible for ensuring compliance to contractual agreements is the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer's primary support person is the COR. They ensure successful contractor performance and fulfill the mission requirements.