Asked by: Fawaz Politzer
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What element makes up 80 percent of the air?


This begs the question: Which element makes up most of the air?

About 99 percent of air is made up of molecules of nitrogen and oxygen. Rest of the air is made up of argon, carbon dioxide. Other gases, such as neon and méthane, are also present in trace quantities. The life-giving element of the air is oxygen.

The next question is: What element makes up 20% of the air? oxygen

What makes up 80%?

Air we breathe contains only 20% oxygen and almost 80% nitrogen. Higher up in the atmosphere, the composition of the air is different. There is also the famous ozone layer that is high in oxygen.

What percentages are in the air we breath?

Composition. Composition. Exhaled carbon dioxide is approximately 4% to 5% in volume, which is about 100 times more than the inhaled.