Asked by: Gherasim Cazacu
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the subfloor?

Subflooring is the foundation for finish flooring materials. The subfloor is used for wood-frame floors. It provides a continuous structural layer over the floor joists. The subfloor can be simply a concrete slab in basements or homes with slab-on grade foundations.

What is the purpose of a subfloor, then?

Your subfloor, which is attached to your floorjoists, provides support for your finished (or surface) flooring. Most finish flooring materials cannot withstand the weight of household furniture, cabinets, appliances, or pets.

You may also wonder what a subfloor is. The solid material underneath your floor covering is called a subfloor. It attaches to the floorjoists of your home and serves as a base for your finished floor. This could be carpet, hardwood laminate, tile, or laminate. A subfloor is typically made from plywood or oriented-strand board (OSB), panels.

Subfloor is the same thing as underlayment.

The third layer is underlayment, which is located just above the subfloor. The subfloor supports the structure, but the underlayment acts as a sound barrier to protect your flooring from heat and moisture.

What is subfloor made from?

The subfloor is typically made from plywood or OSB, and can be as thick as 19/32" to 1 1/4" thick. It is structurally sound, second only to the joists. The subfloor supports all the flooring layers above, and everything else in your home, including pets, cats, pianos, and furniture. Subfloors are a common feature in all houses.