Asked by: Gracian Cope
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What impact did the 15th Amendment have on society?

In 1870, the U.S. Constitution adopted the 15th Amendment that granted African-American men the right of vote. Despite the amendment being adopted, discriminatory practices were used in the late 1870s to stop blacks exercising their right of vote, particularly in the South.

How did this change American society?

The 15th Amendment to U.S. Constitution gave African American men the right of vote. It declared that "the right of citizens of the United States of vote shall not be denied by the United States of America or by any other state on account of race or color or previous condition or servitude." "

The question that arose was why the 15th Amendment was added. The 15th Amendment, which was enacted in 1870 by Radical Republicans in Congress, seemed to be a sign of fulfillment for all promises made to African Americans to former abolitionists. Black America lost its political power due to economic and social segregation.

What impact did the 15th Amendment have in this regard on the women's right movement?

on account of race.a The insertion of the word amalea into the Constitution and the enfranchisement of African American men presented new challenges for women's rights activists.

What was the problem with the 15th Amendment

Voting Rights Not Denied by Race The United States and any other State shall not deny or limit the right to vote of citizens of the United States.