Asked by: Nassir Astarbe
Asked in category: events and attractions, parks and nature
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the distance between the 5 highest peaks?

11.5 miles

How long does it take for Kwaay PAAY to be climbed?

The 4.4-mile loop starts with an ascent of 1 2/3 miles that climbs 1,200 feet to reach a panoramic summit. After reaching the summit, it descends along a mountain ridge for more views. This 5.1-mile round trip hike takes you between Observatory Campground, Palomar Observatory and Palomar Observatory. It crosses a beautiful mountain forest with views of the valley.

How do you get to Pyles Peak, too? Pyles Peak is one the five peaks within Mission Trails Regional Park. The only way to reach it is via Cowles Mountain Summit. Just 100 feet from Cowles' summit is the trailhead for Pyles peak. Follow the fire road to the summit's cell towers.

How long is the Mission Trails Hike?

There are 38 moderate trails within Mission Trails Regional Park. They range from 1.4 to 8.2 mi and 288 to 1,587 feet above the sea level. You'll soon be able to get on the trail quickly if you start checking them out!

Is it possible to hike Cowles Mountain at night

Cowles Mountain is visible from La Mesa to Tijuana, and along the coast to La Jolla. You will find approximately 40-50 hikers on this mountain at dusk, so you won’t feel isolated if you go hiking after dark.