Asked by: Assma Voitswinkler
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer peripherals
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What does "green dot" mean in an outlet?

The colors signify that the UPS outlets & plug have been certified hospital-grade.

It is also important to understand what the green dot at an electrical outlet means.

The green dot indicates that the outlet is a hospital-grade isolated grounded outlet. Isolated ground is electricity that is directly connected to the grounding point. This is independent of any other electrical wiring in your home or building.

You may also wonder what Hospital Grade Receptacle means. Hospital Grade Receptacles. Hospital Grade Receptacles. In addition to meeting the general requirements, are specifically designed and subjected to additional standards. These include extra grounding reliability, integrity, strength, and durability.

Another question is: What does different color outlets refer to?

Orange outlets with green triangles or dots are isolated ground outlets. should use them for sensitive equipment that can pick-up ground spikes. Blue outlets have alarms that indicate loss of ground protection.

Which orientation is best for an electrical outlet?

Because a person will grab the outlet with their index finger, the ground pin should be down. The thumb and index fingers will stick out more than the thumb when the outlet is oriented this way. The ground will prevent an individual's index finger touching the live pins.