Asked by: Fatna Tindell
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What does Applanation actually mean?

Medical Definition Applanation
: An abnormal flattening of convex surfaces (as in the cornea of an eye)

This being said, how does Applanation Tonometry work?

The Imbert-Fick principle is the basis of applanation tonometry. It states that the pressure (P), within a sphere, equals the force(F) required to flatten it's surface divided by its area (A), P=F/A. This concept of flattening corneas is used to measure intraocular pressure in practice.

Is tonometry accurate, in addition to the above? The tonometer is very accurate and the gold standard for glaucoma. Patients shouldn't hold their breath while measuring. You can breathe slowly through your nose.

You may also wonder, "What is a normal reading on a tonometer?"

The normal pressure range according to the Glaucoma Research Foundation is 12-22 mm Hg. The unit used to measure eye pressure is "mmHg", which refers to the measurement in millimeters. A test that returns a reading above 20 mm Hg may indicate glaucoma.

Is a tonometer touching your eye?

Noncontact or air-puff tonometry doesn't touch your eyes but uses a puff to flatten your cornea. This type of tonometry does not provide the best method to measure intraocular pressure. It is used to check for high intraocular pressure and it is the easiest method to test children.