Asked by: Remo Renker
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

How do you access the evaporator coil on a refrigerator?

The evaporator coils are located in the freezer compartment and appear like a radiator. You can open the back wall of your freezer with a screwdriver.

Aside from this, where can you find the evaporator coils for a refrigerator?

The evaporator is an aluminum coil that is hidden behind a panel inside your freezer compartment. It makes all of the fridge's cold air. No matter what type of refrigerator you have it will have an electric evaporator coil.

Find out how much it costs to replace the evaporator coil of a refrigerator. It can be quite costly to replace an evaporator coil. The cost of a new coil can range from $200 to $1500, depending on the size and brand. It could cost an additional $500-$1200 to have it installed. It would cost $700 to $2700 to replace an existing evaporator coil.

How do you replace the refrigerator evaporator coil?

How to Replace an Evaporator Coil in a Refrigerator

  1. Take off the cover for the evaporator coil.
  2. You can remove the hold-down clamps from the evaporator coil using either a Phillips screwdriver, or a 1/4 inch nut driver.
  3. Locate the leaks in your evaporator coil.
  4. Use sandpaper to clean the area.

What is the operation of an evaporator in a refrigerator?

The evaporator fan pulls air from the fridge and blows the coils. The liquid refrigerants absorb heat from the air. This air is then blown back into the fridge at a lower temp, cooling the fridge. As the compressor heats up, the liquid refrigerant begins to evaporate.