Asked by: Anastasiia Gil
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions, medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

How can I improve my gait after hip replacement?

Early Postoperative Exercises
  1. Ankle pumps. Slowly move your foot up and downward.
  2. Ankle rotations. Rotations of the ankle.
  3. Bed-Supported Knee Bends.
  4. Buttock Contractions.
  5. Abduction Exercise.
  6. Set of Quadriceps.
  7. Straight Leg Raises.
  8. Stair Climbing and Descending

This in mind, can a Trendelenburg gait be better?

Trendelenburg gait is disruptive but can often be treated with special shoes or exercises to strengthen your hip abductor muscles. While Trendelenburg gait is not always possible to correct, treatment can help you to walk more steadily and reduce the risk of complications.

How do you get rid a limp after a hip replacement? Lying on your back, place your affected leg on the table or bed edge. Then, bring your knee towards your chest. Relax your affected leg by letting it hang off the table or bed edge. You should feel the stretch in the front of your thigh and hip. For 10-15 seconds, hold the position and then return to the starting point.

Know how long it takes to walk normally after a hip-replacement?

Most hip replacement patients can walk the day after surgery. Many can resume their normal daily activities within 3 to 6 weeks.

What exercises should you avoid after a hip replacement?


  1. Hip flexion beyond 90 degrees: This means you shouldn't bend your hip too far or raise your knee too high.
  2. Crossing your non-operative leg over your operated leg (adduction). When you lie down, it is important to not cross one leg over another in order to preserve this hip precaution.