Asked by: Vannesa Cubi
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Is inkberry-holly an evergreen plant?

Ilex glabra is also known as inkberry, gallberry, or inkberry. It is a broadleaf evergreen shrub of the holly family that grows slowly, is upright-rounded and stoloniferous. It can reach heights of 5-8 feet and spread easily by root suckers, forming colonies.

Is inkberry holly deer resistant to this?

Inkberry is resistant against deer and is therefore a good choice for areas where browsing deer can be a problem for other shrubs.

What is an evergreen shrub? Evergreen shrubs add structure to the garden and provide all-year interest. They have stunning flower displays or can be highly fragrant in winter when there is little else growing. Some even have variegated, colourful leaves that are a great foil for summer perennials and an attractive feature during winter.

How do you prune inkberry and holly?

How To Trim Inkberry Bushes

  1. Sharp hand clippers can be used to trim the inkberry bush in a way that is pleasing to the eye and allows it to remain in shape before it starts to grow in spring or late winter.
  2. Inkberry plants that are leggy or woody at the base can be revived.
  3. To keep your inkberry bush healthy, remove any limbs that have been damaged, killed or infested with insects.

Is Winterberry an Evergreen?

Not always. Ilex verticillata (Winterberry Holly), or Winterberry, is our native, wetland, holly, which loses its leaves every autumn. Because it has no winter leaves, this beautiful shrub makes its berry display even more spectacular.