Asked by: Tuastri Santinha
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions, medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What bone articulates with the trochlear notch?


In the same way, what bone aligns with the radial-notch?


What bone also connects with the trochlea of the Humerus? Trochlea of the humerus. The humeral trochlea is the medial part of the articular surface at the elbow joint. It connects to the trochlear groove on the forearm.

You might also wonder where the Trochlear notch is located.


Is the entire Trochlear Nose an articular surface.

To fit the capitulum, the upper surface of the cylindrical head radius is spherically concave. The deep trochlear hole is visible at the upper end of the Ulna. The trochlear nose has two distinct articular surfaces, one on each side of the coronoid process and one on the olecranon.