Asked by: Itzel Oldendorp
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What did nationalism do to Africa?

Rising nationalism and communist assistance in Africa led to wars at Kenya, Congo, and other African countries. These were eventually stopped by European powers who realized that history had turned against colonization. Economic cooperation was much more appealing.

What is the root cause of nationalism in Africa?

African nationalism was born in the years following World War II. Its origins are due to wartime changes in colonial rule and social change in Africa.

Also, find out when did African nationalism begin? 1940s

What were the consequences of nationalism as a result?

The positive effects of nationalism: Nationalism promotes identity, unites people and encourages pride. Negative outcomes can lead to conflict with others, infringe on rights of other people, and create xenophobia, the fear that someone will take over.

What role did nationalism play in the changes that took place in Africa after World War I?

In response to Western powers' failure to fulfill their promises of self-sovereignty, nationalism emerged in Africa and in the Middle East. Both created regional-wide movements to promote political unity. Pan-Africanism continued European dominance.