Asked by: Sanam Baidavletov
Asked in category: education, standardized testing
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What are the subjects covered in the teas?

This test assesses your knowledge in four subjects: Science, Mathematics, English, Language Usage, Reading, and Science. The TEAS V was retired on August 31, 2016 and will be replaced by the ATI TEAS (also known as the TEAS 6)

Similar questions can be asked about the ATI TEAS.

This test assesses your knowledge in four subjects: Science, Mathematics, English, Language Usage, Reading, and Science. The TEAS V was retired on August 31, 2016 and will be replaced by the ATI TEAS (also known as the TEAS 6)

What is the passing score for the TEAS exam? ATI doesn't set a minimum score for the TEAS test. To find out more about TEAS exam requirements to be admitted to a program, students will need to consult their school. The range of TEAS scores is 0.0% to 100%.

What is the TEAS nursing test?

Many nursing schools use the TEAS test (also known as Test of Essential Academic Skills V) to assess potential applicants for admission. The TEAS test measures a candidate's ability to read, write, and use English and math.

What kind of math is included in the TEAS exam?

The TEAS Math test contains challenging questions that deal with numbers, operations, data interpretation and algebra. You should be able complete the TEAS Math practice test in 45 minutes.