Asked by: Horace Whitmire1
Asked in category: science, chemistry, science, chemistry
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

What are some examples of bioaccumulation?

Examples for bioaccumulation or biomagnification are:
  • Birds and other animals are being exposed to car emission chemicals.
  • Mercury builds up in fish
  • Small animals are more susceptible to pesticides.

It is also important to know what substance can bioaccumulate.

Bioaccumulation refers to the gradual accumulation of substances such as pesticides and other chemicals in an organism. Bioaccumulation is when an organism absorbs a substance faster than it is lost by catabolism or excretion.

The question then becomes, "Is bioaccumulation a problem?" Bioaccumulation refers to when harmful substances (pesticides and organic chemicals) are absorbed faster than they can be eliminated by an organism. What is bioaccumulation? A toxic substance that is absorbed faster than the body can eliminate it is known as chronic poisoning.

This will allow you to see which organisms are most affected and how bioaccumulation affects them.

Bioaccumulation marine toxins Organisms like fish, krill and mussels have been shown to retain phytoplankton toxins in their bodies. These organisms do not often become ill from the toxins, but they pass them on to other animals in the food chain. The more large animals are exposed to more accumulated toxin.

What are some examples?

The first-generation organochlorine insecticides (e.g. DDT, chlordane and toxaphene), PCBs and dioxins, as well as brominated flame retardants and dioxins. However, some organo-metal compounds have also been identified, such as methyl mercury (TBT) and tributyltin.