Asked by: Ibeth Antuñano
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What are similes and metaphors?

A simile is a comparison that uses words "like" and "as" to draw comparisons, while a metaphor does not use the words "like", or "as". A example of a simile would be: She is innocent as an angel. One example of a metaphor would be: She is an Angel.

What is a good example of a metaphor?

Metaphors are a type of figure of speech that implicitly, impliedly, or hidden compare two things that share some common characteristics. This is an example metaphor: "My brother is the Black sheep of the Family" because he is neither sheep nor black.

How do you explain similes and metaphors? Both similes as well metaphors can be used to draw comparisons. However, similes and metaphors differ by the word they use. Similes use words like and as to compare thingsaaLife's like a box full of chocolatesaaMeanwhile, metaphors simply state a comparisonaaLove's a battlefield.

You might also be interested in these 5 examples of metaphor.

Nature Metaphors

  • The snow is a white blanket.
  • He is a shining star.
  • Her flowing, golden hair was long.
  • As he stared at her, Tom's eyes became ice.
  • These children were concrete flowers.
  • Kisses are the flowers that show affection.
  • The falling snowflakes can be described as dancers
  • The tranquil lake was like a mirror.

What's a metaphor example that students can use?

A metaphor is a comparison that isn't actually true. A metaphor is a comparison of something with similar characteristics to show what it looks like. Example: "My brother" is a metaphor.