Asked by: Baboucarr Aranguiz
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

Spanish reflexive verbs: How do they work?

Reflexive verbs mean that the action of a verb is retained with the subject (yo. tAo. A(c)l. ella, nosotros. ustedes. ellos. ellas), or that they are affected in some way by it. The action is reflexive, meaning that it is performed on the subject (person).

What are some Spanish reflexive verbs?

Here is a list with some of the most popular Spanish reflexive verbs:

  • Irse (to go)
  • Acordarse (to recall)
  • Olvidarse (to forget)
  • Sentirse is (to feel)
  • Dare (to be kind to oneself)
  • Encontrar (to discover oneself)
  • Be anxious (to be worried)
  • Fijarse (to pay attention)

What is a reflexive verb example, then? A reflexive verb in grammar is a verb whose subject is the same as its object. For example, "I wash my face". A reflexive verb, in general, has the same semantic agent as its patient (typically represented syntactically with the subject and direct object).

Apart from the above, is any Spanish verb reflexive?

Reflexive verbs are merely regular verbs that have a se added to show they are subject and object. However, some are not able to be reflexive.

What is the best way to make a Spanish reflexive sentence?

Spanish Reflexive Verbs

  1. I finished the book. I wash my hair.
  2. Yo afeitarse. a Yo se afeitar. a
  3. Yo se afeito. a Yo me afeito. I shave. I shave.
  4. Yo me afeito. TAo te afeitas. RA3ger se afeita.
  5. TAo te despiertas. You are now awake.
  6. Ella se levanta. She stands up.
  7. Nosotros nos sentamos. We sit down.
  8. Uds. se acuestan. You go to bed.