Asked by: Vergil Vick
Asked in category: books and literature, young adult literature
Last Updated: 13th May 2024

How did Uriah die divergent?

Uriah is killed in Allegiant after suffering brain injuries from an explosion. Tobias was one of the people who set off the explosion, led by Nita. Tobias had a crush.

Accordingly, Uriah is in the divergent movie.

In April 2013, the official cast of 'Divergent’ was revealed. Many were shocked when reports suggested that Uriah would not be in the first film. Uriah plays a key role in the film and has been prevented from appearing in the film adaptation due to be released on March 21, 2014.

Secondly, how did Marlene Die in Insurgent? Later, she takes aim at Marlene and Uriah Pedrad, her best friends, and says that they should just get married. She is a bit bitter when the two of them finally get to kiss. She is fatally wounded in a bullet accident and she dies after being comforted and consoled by Uriah, Tris and Tris.

What happened to Will in divergent, then?

Will was Tris Prior's best friend and Christina's boyfriend in their Dauntless initiation. Jeanine was able to control him and killed him.

Does Tris die in divergent?

Tris dies at the end of Veronica Roth's novel Allegiant. This will allow Allegiant to follow the first half Allegiant of the book. Since Tris dies at the book's end, it is safe to assume that Allegiant will not depict her death.