Asked by: Soufiane Kleukens
Asked in category: events and attractions, wedding
Last Updated: 14th May 2024

What is the cost of a course in wedding planning?

Although the courses for wedding planners are very valuable, they can be strict about distributing the certificates. You won't receive a certificate if your requirements are not met. For planners based in the USA and Canada, $295 is charged; international planners will be charged $495.

How do I become a certified wedding planner?

AACWP certification is required:

  1. Successful completion of an approved educational course.
  2. Evidence of 3 weddings planned and directed over a 2-year period.
  3. Mentorship success (2 weddings with a licensed wedding planner).
  4. A marketing plan, proof of business license and business telephone.

Do you also need to have a license in order to be a wedding planner. Except for a license or certification to be a wedding planner or event planner in the United States, if your business is a corporation, you don't need one. Others who are just starting out in event planning prefer formal education, certification, experience, and a background in the field.

What are the best courses of action for a wedding planner?

A course in event management is essential for wedding planners. For a one-year period, undergraduates and graduates can pursue diploma, postgraduate diploma in event management. NAEMD Academy of Event Management and Development offers event management courses.

What is the annual salary of a wedding planner?

A lot of people ask me this question before they decide to attend wedding planner school or get certified. Or, how much do wedding planners make?