Asked by: Ivar Furniss
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Should I put rocks in the bottom of my pot?

For decades, a layer of gravel was recommended at the base of a container for planting. This recommendation is even found in books on container plants. This incorrect advice could cause root damage to plants. Gravel can clog up pots and make them smaller than if it were soil.

You may also wonder, "Why put stones at bottom of plant pot?"

Gardeners have been using shards o pottery, called "crocks", to improve drainage for centuries. Drainage is improved by a piece of crockery placed in the bottom of the container. It lets water run faster than soil and prevents compost buildup at the bottom.

Do you need rocks for the bottom of your planter? If you don't have drainage holes, you will need to cover the planter with a thick layer of rocks (or one of the above). (Yes , you need drainage holes. But I understand that some will use cache pots with no holes to plant in. The thick layer at the bottom provides a place to store excess water.

What do you put in the bottom a pot to drain?

Place a layer of gravel inside your plant's drainage tray or in a decorative poter. Then, place your plant pot on top. Gravel will retain water and improve humidity while also keeping roots of your plant's plants up out of the puddle. Gravel is useful when placing a plant in a decorative poter.

Do rocks improve drainage?

Rocks do not improve drainage. Instead, they bring the water table closer to the roots of your plants. You're wasting valuable space by putting gravel in your pots that isn't doing any good.