Asked by: Arbia Novoshinsky
Asked in category: automotive, motorcycles
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is Underglow legal to use in Hawaii?

Is neon underglow allowed in Hawaii? Hawaii law doesn't prohibit additional aftermarket vehicle lighting, which would include neon Underglow. We conclude that neon underglow in Hawaii is legal as long as the following restrictions are followed: Red and blue colours are not allowed.

Also, LED headlights are legal in Hawaii.

Featured headlights are not allowed in hawaii Red or blue colors. Additional to the minimum two tail lights and at least two headlights , vehicles in Hawaii may have spot lighting (see below). It is not clear if fog lights, passing lights or an auxiliary driving light will be allowed.

It is illegal to place lights under your vehicle. Certain underglow lights are illegal in the United States of America. Some colors can be distracting for drivers or drivers and could cause confusion for officers. Some states ban flashing lights and colors such as blue, red, or any other color that could be distracting from drivers.

What states permit Underglow?

Neon Underglow laws for your state:

  • Alabama.
  • Alaska.
  • Arizona.
  • Arkansas.
  • California.
  • Colorado.
  • Connecticut.
  • Delaware.

Is Underglow illegal?

In the United States and Canada, underglow lights can be considered illegal. This is why? According to police officers, the colors can be distracting for other drivers. They also suggested that the colors might be distracting for the vehicle's driver.