Asked by: Oksana Resende
Asked in category: automotive, road side assistance
Last Updated: 17th Jun 2024

Is Safelite charged to come to my house?

You can repair your windshield.
It will almost always be free as your insurance company will pay for it. This won't usually affect your insurance rates. Safelite's mobile services allow us to come to you for mobile repairs.

People also ask: Does Safelite come to my home?

Depending on your insurance coverage, mobile glass repair by Safelite can help you save time and money. You can choose to have Safelite come to you or visit one of our shops.

The next question is: How much does Safelite charge to travel to you? Safelite stated that it would charge $319.99 for shop replacement and a $9.99 disposal fee. There was also $34.99 tax if the service was mobile. My mobile service cost is $364.98, plus any parts and taxes (varies by state).

Another question that may be asked is, "Does Safelite charge you to come to me?"

Option 1: Your windshield can be fixed. In most cases, your insurance company will pay for it. It won't usually affect your insurance rates. Safelite's mobile service allows us to come to you for mobile repairs.

What is the cost of Safelite chip repairs?

Windshield Repair Costs Type Windshield repairs like cracks or chips can run between $20 and $60. These repairs don't require you to file an insurance claim. They can be completed quickly and easily by a qualified repair company.