Asked by: Patti Monterde
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Is rotting an apple due to a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical alteration because an apple that has rotted cannot be regenerated as a clean, fresh, new apple. This is a chemical change. It will be different at a chemical level.

You may also wonder if rotting fruits is a chemical or physical change.

A chemical reaction is responsible for the rotting and discoloration of fruit. This happens because fruit becomes rotten, causing an enzymatic response. Rotting is a chemical reaction that causes molecules to change due to an enzymatic reaction.

What happens to a rotten fruit? This is a scientific fact that rotten apples ripen quicker and eventually rot if they are exposed to other rotten apples. This happens because when apples ripen, they release a hormone in a gaseous form called ethylene that is a catalyst to ripen fruit.

Keep this in mind: Is rotting wood a chemical or physical change?

The rotting of timber is an chemical alter. The chemical modifications include cooking, rusting, rotting and burning. The substance will undergo a chemical change.

Is it a physical change to remove salt from water?

Use table salt to dissolve in water. While the NaCl's physical form is altered by the dissolution of salt, it does not permanently alter its chemical structure. When the water is removed, salt can be recovered as NaCl.