Asked by: Taysa Steinem
Asked in category: real estate, real estate renting and leasing
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

Can a landlord use a collection agency?

A collection agency can be hired by landlords who lack the expertise and time to pursue a debtor to collect. If a collection agency contacts your about the debt that you owe your landlord, it does not mean that you will be able to support the claims with a legal judgement.

You may also wonder if a landlord can hire a collection agency.

A collection agency can be hired by a landlord to pursue a debtor to collect. Collection agencies are separate companies that collect unpaid debts on behalf of creditors.

What happens when rent is sent to collections? Unpaid rent can ruin your credit. Let's say you stay for a while without paying rent. Your landlord will likely try to collect the money that you owe. You may be facing eviction. If your landlord sues for unpaid rent, and wins, you will be issued a judgment ordering that you pay the balance.

How do I take my tenants to collection?

First, inform your tenant in writing that he must pay past-due rent. Most states allow him to pay within three to five days. If your tenant refuses to pay, you can file an "unlawful garnishment" lawsuit against the court. You will serve the tenant with summons and then proceed to court to present your case to the judge.

Is a landlord a debt collector under Fdcpa?

The FDCPA is not applicable to landlords and property owners who collect rent for their own accounts.