Asked by: Vilius Añon
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What is the function of DNA polymerase II?

Damaged DNA sequences can lead to replication being stalled. DNAPol II is responsible for the repair of nucleotide bases pairs to correct an error in the sequence. DNA Pol II's N-terminal domain is responsible for the dissociation and association of DNA strands to the catalytic subunit.

What does polymerase II do exactly?

Multiprotein complex RNA polymerase II (RNAP II, Pol II) is one example of a multiprotein enzyme. It is one of three RNAP enzymes that are found in the nucleus eukaryotic cell. It is responsible for the transcription of DNA and synthesizes precursors to mRNA, snRNA, and microRNA.

Quizlet: What is DNA polymerase's function? An enzyme known as DNA polymerase separates the two strands and recreates each strand's complementary sequence. This enzyme creates the complementary strand by pairing the appropriate base with the other base and then bonds it to the original strand.

This being said, what are the functions of DNA polymerase and how do they work?

DNA polymerase. DNA polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes DNA molecules from deoxyribonucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. These enzymes are vital for DNA replication. They usually work in pairs to create identical DNA strands out of a single DNA molecule.

What is the difference in DNA polymerase 1/2 and 3-?

DNA polymerase 3 is required for the replication the leading and lagging strands, while DNA polymerase 1 can remove the RNA primers from fragments and replace it with the necessary nucleotides. Both enzymes have distinct functions and cannot be used in isolation.