Asked by: Clodoalda Miteva
Asked in category: real estate, houses
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

How long does it take for Haleakala to be climbed?

On average, we walked about 2 miles per hour. took 3.5 hours to get to our cabin and took a little over 5 hours to hike up the Halemau'u trail.

Just to be clear, how long does it take for Haleakala to climb?

10 minutes

You should also know that you can do both the road to Hana and Haleakala in one day. We do not recommend that you combine these trips within the same day. If you have the time, you can go to the top of Haleakala or a part of Hana.

Also, was it possible to ask how long it takes to get to the top of Haleakala from your car?

Two hours

Is it possible to do Haleakala Sunrise by yourself?

You don't need to book expensive $160+ guided HaleakalA Sunrise tours. You can do this experience yourself. Make Haleakala Sunrise Reservations from National Park before you intend to drive up the summit. You can reserve your ticket online HERE for $1 per car.