Asked by: Bathie Gerona
Asked in category: Question, General
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Is Fels Naptha the same as Castile soap?

UPDATE: This recipe has been updated! Most laundry soap recipes require a bar of Fels Naptha soap. However, Fels Naptha soap is not a natural product and I no longer use it. Bronner's castile soap.

Considering all this, what is Fels Naptha soap made of?

Fels-Naptha soap is made from sodium tallowate, sodium cocoate, sodium palmate kernelate, and sodium palmate. The term "sodium" is used to refer to sodium hydroxide. This is the lye that is used to make soap. In this instance, it contains palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil. It also contains water, talc, and some other ingredients.

You may also wonder what the difference is between Zote soap vs Fels Naptha. Zote soap is a huge bar, twice as big as Fels Naptha and for the same price. Felsnaptha works harder than really hard parmesan cheese. These soaps can be used as laundry detergent boosters, to treat laundry stains or as an ingredient in homemade laundry detergent.

Similarly, what is a substitute for Fels Naptha in the same way?

If Fels-Naptha is still not available, you might want to look for an alternative:

  • Zote soap: Zote soap is as popular as Fels Naptha laundry soap. It comes in pink and white bars, and has a citronella-like fragrance.
  • Castile soap: Castile soap is not a brand, but a type fine white soap made from olive oil.

Is Fels Naptha a natural product?

Most laundry soap recipes call to use Fels Naptha soap. However, Fels Naptha soap is not a natural product and I no longer use it. My recent discovery that Fels-Naptha contains ingredients like titanium dioxide, a carcinogen, that aren’t very healthy for the body is what prompted this decision.