Asked by: Yudi Maurice
Asked in category: sports, climbing
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Is "dollop" a real word?

A dollop refers to a small amount of something. A dollop of sourcream might be requested for your taco. English has many words that describe quantities of something, but they aren't always exact. A load, for example, is a lot of something. However, a dollop, on the other hand, is just a small amount.

Hence, where did the term "dollop" come from?

Dollop (n.) "a lump of glob", 1812 from earlier dallop ("a patch, tuft, or clump] (1570s), an East Anglian dialect term of uncertain origin. From 1825, it is used verbally to mean "serve out large quantities." Related: Dolloped; dolloping.

What is a Dollop of Oil? A tablespoon is one-third of a Tablespoon. A handful would be 1/3 to 1/2 cup, depending on how large your grandmother is.

What is a dollop of cooking?

Dollop. Rate & review. A small amount of soft food that can be shaped into small, round portions. A small amount of whipped cream, mashed potatoes or other similar foods are placed on a plate or as a topping. This is called a dollop.

What does voracity actually mean?

Voracity refers to the noun that corresponds to the adjective voracious. It means (1) eagerly eat a lot of food or (2) marked with an insatiable appetite. The rare voracity is more common than veracity so it is often used in lieu of the former.