Asked by: Melida Howelkroger
Asked in category: automotive, auto safety
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How much does a John Deere skid loader weigh?

332GSkid Steer. Rated Operating Capacity 1,634kg (3.600 lb. Operating Weight: 4,540kg (10,000 Lb. )

How much does a John Deere skid steer weigh?

3450 kg (7.600 lb. 1,634kg (3.600 lb. 4,540kg (10,000 Lb. )

What is the weight of a John Deere 250 Skid Steer? 6330 pounds

What is the weight of a skid-loader?

The most common skid steers are between 2000 lbs and 10,500 lbs. The average weight hovers around 7,500 lbs. These machines can be very powerful, but they can also cause severe damage if used improperly. Skid steer operation should be a safe job for all your employees.

What is the weight of a John Deere 332 Skid Steer?

9160 pounds