Asked by: Ze Haritzondo
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Which of the following represents the initial stage of learning in the process of conditioning?

Acquisition is the first stage in the learning process. It is a new conditioned response tendancy Pavlov considered an association of events that occur simultaneously in time. The association decreases the more it occurs.

People often ask: What did Pavlov first notice about animals during his initial research after conditioning?

A. A. Even when there was no food, they salivated.

Also, what is learning association? The process of making learning associations between environmental stimuli and behavioral responses. Russian physiologist, who first described the basic learning process for associating stimuli. This is now known as classical conditioning. Natural stimulus that elicits reflexively a response, without any prior learning.

Also, find out which stimuli John B Watson used in his Little Albert experiment.

Watson associates his famous little Albert experiment. - A white lab mouse in the boy's mother. Fear and loud noise. - Fear and loud noise from a white lab rat.

Advertising uses classical conditioning to sell products.

Advertising trains people to associate positive emotions with the product. Classic conditioning is where a stimulus that produces a specific response is paired up with another stimulus until it produces the same response.