Asked by: Delmira Roishinsk
Asked in category: personal finance, personal taxes, personal finance, personal taxes
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is it illegal to pay a builder in cash?

It is not a crime to pay a contractor in cash. However, it is illegal to do so if you know the reason you are paying cash to avoid VAT. If you don't have a receipt for the work, it's a good idea to tell the VAT man that you weren't aware you were tax-dodging.

Is it okay to pay a builder cash?

It is not a crime to pay a contractor in cash. However, it is illegal to do so if you know the reason you are paying cash to avoid VAT. If you don't have a receipt for the work, it's a good idea to tell the VAT man that you weren't aware you were tax-dodging.

You may also be asked if you can pay cash for services. While cash payments are not illegal, customers who receive services should be aware of the possibility that there may be limited recourse if the service is rendered in bad workmanship or if the company ceases trading.

This being said, is it legal for tradesmen to be paid in cash?

Current laws allow tradesmen to accept cash in hand payments. However, they must treat it in the same manner as any other payment. This means that the payment is subject to tax at the individual's current tax rate.

Is it illegal to pay cash to avoid VAT?

HMRC states that cash payments are allowed, and it is possible to ask for cash. The trader is responsible for making the correct earnings declaration. Not all cash deals are designed to evade income taxes and VAT. They create an opportunity for deceit by not leaving a paper trail.