Asked by: Kam Zeheter
Asked in category: medical health, skin and dermatology, medical health, skin and dermatology
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Is derma a prefix?

Words Beginning with (Derm)
Part derma (derm-a): Dermis is a variant on dermis and means skin. Dermatology (dermatology - ology: Dermatology refers to the medical field that studies the skin and its disorders.

So, what does the suffix Derma stand for?

-derma. suffix. Skin disease: scleroderma. Origin of - Derma. New Latin form of Greek derma skin; see der- in Indoeuropean roots.

What does Derma actually mean in medical terms? Derm-, derma- Combining forms referring to the skin; corresponds with the L. cut.

Is derma a root term?

Derm is the root word for skin. Its combining forms are derma-, dermat-, dermot-, ;and dermo- . Here are some medical terms that use root. Dermatitis – Dermat (root), and -itis - Sufix inflammation; condition of inflamed or inflamed skin.

What is the prefix for epidermis

The Greek prefix epi- means "outer" in Greek. Thus, epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. The epidermis is composed of four to five layers. The outermost layer of epidermis is made up of dead cells that are constantly being shed.