Asked by: Bogumila Torrellas
Asked in category: travel, beach travel, travel, beach travel
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

How often do you water a wax myrtle?

Poor Water Management
Southern wax Myrtle can tolerate both dry and wet soils but it thrives when watered around its drip line every 10 to fourteen days. However, don't water the trunk.

How do you care for a wax myrtle?

Plant wax myrtle in full sun to part shade where roots are not disturbed. This plant is salt-tolerant and can take sea spray well, making them an excellent beach front planting choice. The wax myrtle can be grown in a variety of soils but prefers moist soils.

Also, does wax myrtle flower? Although wax myrtle flowers in the early spring, the tiny flowers on separate male-female plants and in clusters often go unnoticed. Its waxy, bluish fruits that appear in the late summer are more prominent.

How fast is wax myrtle moving in this regard?

It can reach heights of 6-10 feet and widths up to 10-15 feet. Its annual growth rate is 12-18 inches. The glossy, dark green leaves are followed by silvery gray berries that provide winter interest. Good fruit development requires both male and female plants.

Is wax myrtle prone to losing its leaves?

QUESTION. Our Wax Myrtle bushes tend lose their foliage in the Winter months. However, each spring they seem to get more fleshy leaves. Other Wax Myrtles around us do well, and they do not lose their foliage in the winter.