Asked by: Hongjun Temido
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How much of the US fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor?

2,403 servicemen were killed and 1,178 others were wounded. Six U.S. vessels were also sunk or destroyed in the attack. They also destroyed the 169 U.S. Navy planes and Army Air Corps aircrafts. Japanese aircraft were among the casualties. Five midget submarines and 29 planes were also lost. One attacker was taken prisoner and five attackers were killed.

Know how much of the US Pacific Fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor?

75 percent

How long did it take America to recover from Pearl Harbor, and how many years? Ironically, Japan's naval force dominated the Pacific for the first 90 day after Pearl Harbor. It was built with steel from the United States. It seemed impossible to resist this formidable fleet, but that all changed six months later in Oahu.

Aside from that, were any American planes in the air at Pearl Harbor as well?

Taylor and Welch were two of five Air Force pilots that managed to land their planes and engage the Japanese. The total American aircraft losses in Pearl Harbor was estimated at 188 destroyed planes and 159 more damaged planes, while the Japanese lost only 29 planes.

What was it that the US fleet did at Pearl Harbor?

The United States Navy's Pacific Fleet was one its most important branches. It was not only the focal point of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, but also the deciding factor in America’s decision to enter World War II. The Pacific Fleet was also the main defender against Japan’s expansion into Southeast Asia and the Pacific.