Asked by: Aziza Niederkruger
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

How many times can a senator be reelected?

Jurisdiction: United States

Many people also wonder how many times Congress can be reelected.

The terms of members of the House of Representatives are two-year and they are eligible for reelection every other year. However, Senators serve six-year terms. Elections to the Senate are staggered over even year so that about 1/3 of the Senate can be reelected during an election.

Also, 1/3 of the Senate is elected every two years. Only 1/3 of the Senate's entire membership will be up for reelection. The Senate doesn't have all the senators at once. Representatives are elected every 2 year. The representatives are kept close to the people's wishes by this.

So, is there a limit on the term of senators?

A Republican congressman introduced a constitutional amendment to Congress that would limit the Senate members to two six-year terms, and the House members to six two year terms.

Which senator is currently the longest-serving?

Current seniority list

Current rank Histories rank Senator
1 1692 Patrick Leahy
2 1743 Chuck Grassley
3 1766 Mitch McConnell
4 1775 Richard Shelby