Asked by: Dorinela Gerths
Asked in category: personal finance, personal loans, personal finance, personal loans
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How long does it take to be extradited to another state?

A representative of the executive state must appear to receive the prisoner. This must happen within 30 days of the arrest. Some states allow for longer waiting periods of up to 90 day.

In the same vein, how long can a country hold you for extradition?

A representative of the executive state must appear to receive the prisoner. This must happen within 30 days of arrest. Some states allow for longer waiting periods of up to 90 day.

Second, how long does it take for extradition to another country? My experience is that extradition takes 30 days after a court has granted an order. After this time, the extradition warrant will not be valid and the prisoner may be released on other warrants.

This being said, can you be extradited to another state?

Extradition is a process that allows the federal government and states to bring criminals who are state-hopping to justice. Extradition laws allow a state to hand someone to another state for criminal trial or punishment. Extradition can be between two states or between two nations.

What is the process for extradition?

Extradition is the formal process by which a state gives an individual to another country for prosecution or punishment of crimes committed within its jurisdiction. Extradition is usually enabled by a bilateral, multilateral or multilateral treaty. However, there are very few cases in which extradition can be done without a treaty.