Asked by: Alvard Farhall
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

How high should upper cabinets be from the floor?

54 inches

Also, know the height standard between upper and lower cabinets.

18 inches

How low should your kitchen cabinets be hung? You might find that small appliances won't fit under the cabinets or that the upper cabinets block your view of the countertops if you go lower than 18 inches. Kitchen cabinets can be as high as 18 inches, but this is the minimum height.

How high should your kitchen cabinets be?

Base kitchen cabinets generally measure 24 inches deep by 36 inches high. They can be placed directly on the floor, or rest upon a 4-inch kick riser for your feet. They can vary in width depending on what is sitting on top of them, such as countertops, cooktops, or sinks. Wall cabinets are typically 24 inches high by 12 to 16 inches deep.

How much space should there be between the base and upper cabinets?

This is because 18 inches of clearance between uppers and base cabinets is considered the optimal work space. Base cabinets are generally 36 inches high (with countertops included), and 54 inches deep. Upper cabinets start at 54 inches to provide the desired 18-inch clearance.