Asked by: Mbark Candela
Asked in category: travel, spas, travel, spas
Last Updated: 27th Apr 2024

How far is Paulina Lake from Bend Oregon?

About 25 miles

Similar question: How far is Paulina Lake to Bend?

25 miles

The next question is: What is there to do at Paulina Lake, then? Paulina Lake Lodge can be found within the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. Summer activities include hiking, mountain biking and relaxing. The scenic areas are accessible year-round. Popular attractions include Paulina Peak and Big Obsidian Flow.

This is why you might be able to swim in Paulina Lake.

Swimming is possible on the southwest shores of Paulina Lake, near Paulina Lake Campground.

Is there a cell phone service at Paulina Lake

Re: SPRINT Cell Phone Recception @ Paulina lake Very isolated places where you can receive a call or send an SMS, either around the lakes or directly on them. Although has better chances, is still very poor. You can find full phone function just above the pay station at the hill's edge.