Asked by: Amenhotep Nosenko
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How do we use the electromagnetic spectrum in everyday life?

The microwave radiation is absorbed into water molecules, which heats and cooks food while killing bacteria. Communications: Microwave radiation can also be used for transmitting signals. Certain wavelengths of microwave radiation can transmit signals into space from the earth's orbit. They are also used to communicate with satellites.

What are the potential uses of electromagnetic spectrum?

Spectroscopy can be performed at almost all frequencies and wavelengths electromagnetic radiation. All types of electromagnetic radiation include radio waves and infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma. Radio waves have a longer wavelength than gamma radiations.

What is the importance of electromagnetic waves in our daily lives? Electromagnetic waves are used to transmit long/short/FM wavelength radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless signals or energies. They also transmit energy in the form microwaves, visible light (VIS), ultraviolet (UV), and gamma radiations.

How can we make visible light part of our daily lives?

To see colors, we use visible light. The eye can only detect a small part of the Electromagnetic Magnet Spectrum, which is Visible light. To see different things, also use Visible Light . Visible light allows you to see the colors you use to decorate your home.

It is called the electromagnetic spectrum.

They are all known as electromagnetic radiation by scientists. Because they oscillate between electric and magnetic fields, the waves of energy are known as electromagnetic (EM). Scientists classify them according to their frequency or wavelength. They range from high frequency to low frequency (short wavelength to long wavelength).